Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Keep the prayers coming...

I have received a lot of prayers. Prayer, affirmation, meditation. Whatever you want to call it, it's an essential part of many religions. And prayer is ultimately linked to miracles. When I returned this summer with less than stellar news, a friend said, "Oh, but we have been praying so hard for you." I could sense disappointment in her tone. Disappointment in me? Disappointment that her prayers were not answered? Disappointed in God? Is it possible for me to sprout a new lung? I'm certainly open to such a miracle if it were offered to me.

I suppose it is easier to see the extent of the damage when someone has lost an arm or a leg. But when a lung is no longer functioning, we cannot see it. It baffles us. And when we cannot see it, we doubt its severity. And when prayers seem to go unfulfilled, one starts to doubt God or themselves.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. I've been in the hospital, had countless tests, plenty of sleepless nights, and trips back and forth. I have suffered through some hard days, physically and mentally. I have watched my daughter sleep and I've cried, praying I will have more time with her. It is a prayer, so deep, so primal, that is offered up to the highest and to anyone willing to hear my pain.

And miracles? I am still here. Had I not persisted and not been in good hands, I could have died months ago.

I am building stronger ties with my family and friends. A miracle. I have learned what is essentially the most important thing in life. And when everything is stripped from you, you learn to hold on to those around you with a firm grip.

Letting go. A miracle. There were a lot of trivial things building up in my life, distracting me. Those had to go and fast. I had to learn to let others take the lead. And, I had to do so without complaining. Once an independent and natural born organizer and leader, I now realize things can not always run as I would have run them. It is quite humbling to know the world can go on without me and my skills.

Do not doubt. Do not give up. Look at all the good that surrounds us and keep the prayers coming. I still have a long road ahead and I'll be watching for all the little miracles along the way.

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