Thursday, November 27, 2014


Thankfulness is being blessed with a donor, a family who said yes in the midst of their grief. Thankfulness was being under the care of skilled hands of great surgeons and doctors and nurses. Thankfulness is having the support of a wonderful family and friends and even complete strangers who reached out to offer help when I needed it most. Thankfulness is reaching milestones, like another birthday and another Mother's Day. Thankfulness is doing my own shopping and cooking again. To climb the stairs in my home. To drive. To walk. To visit friends. To do what I missed out on. To breathe. Thankfulness is having this opportunity to be here for another Thanksgiving and hope for many more. Love to all this holiday season. Remember what matters. Life is short. Lend a hand, mend fences, have fun, and don't sweat the small stuff.