I keep telling myself I need to write but I haven't been inspired. With the chaos around the world and the foul mood of the country, to loss more personal, there seems to be a heaviness to my words and my fingers. October has never been the best of months for me anyway. Crummy October turned over into crummy November and I ended up in the emergency room on Sunday. I made it almost four months without a visit, so now I have a new record to beat.
After getting the injectable triptans my days improved tremendously. Unfortunately I still have to medicate daily for the migraines and I am still limited. But, at least I have that option and for that I am thankful. I know that some of my migraines are rebound headaches due to the medications, but if I don't take the medication I get so very ill that I end up in the hospital in severe pain, vomiting and dehydrated, unable to take my anti-rejection medication. It is certainly a viscous cycle.
My latest trip to Cleveland Clinic was relatively simple. It included bloodwork, x-rays, spirometry, and appointments with the coordinator and doctor. And, I had to get the flu shot. As I mentioned, I had been feeling pretty rough prior to my trip so I was a little worried. Even though I have been coming up with relatively sufficient spirometry readings on my machine at home, my headaches have been worse and I have been more fatigued and experiencing more pain. Despite all of this, my spirometry readings at the clinic were excellent. (Those glorious lungs!) I suppose the change of the seasons, allergies, and the migraines are probably affecting me.
So now my plan is to continue with my goal of keeping my immuno-compromised self as healthy as possible. And as long as all goes well enough I won't have to drive that turnpike to Cleveland until spring.