Friday, May 31, 2013

Ready or not...

In an earlier post I talked about Tiffany Christensen's book Sick girl Speaks: Lessons and Ponderings Along the Road to Acceptance. It is a very positive read and I appreciate her insight on illness. In her book she described a time in her life when she was sick enough for a lung transplant and she knew what she was up against. "I had to plan for both possibilities equally," she wrote.

"I continued to plan my funeral and say my last words. At the same time I dreamed about all the things I would do once I was well. The image I used was packing two suitcases for two destinations... I had no idea where my bags would end up," she explained. She knew both were possible.

All of this seems to be happening too quickly, especially since I've been moving at snail speed for months now. But, it is time. I must pack my suitcases.

Over the next few months I should try to get my affairs in order, make my final wishes, tie up loose ends, say I Love You. That's one bag.

And then there's the other bag. I will imagine waking up with new lungs. A new beginning. I will need to pack lots of hope--hope that my body will recover from surgery quickly, hope that I respond well to the medicines, and hope that I can get a few good years out of the new lungs.

I tell myself I'm lucky. I get to pack. Some people do not get that opportunity. And, I can pack two bags. Some people only get to pack one. Perhaps I won't remember to pack everything or I will run out of time. Whatever I have packed and whatever I have managed to prepare will just have to do. And, when the time comes, I hope to return with renewed strength, a bag in hand... heavy with hope.


  1. many things to think about. I'm sure your thoughts are feelings are all over the place. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  2. You have changed the person I am.
    I owe you dinner, remember? I intend to pay up! :)
