Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tubes and wires...

Heart cath went fine this morning. Not the most pleasant experience but in the scheme of things... well... you can understand. What they found confirmed all they suspected so far, so the port was left in my neck and out of it runs all sorts of tubes, ports, etc. They started the Flolan at a very low dose this afternoon through the port. Tomorrow they will try increasing it. It seems that every time someone comes into the room they are coming at me with something to attach, draw, or poke me with. Much to my dismay, I have to have shots in my stomach twice a day as a standard protocol for bed-ridden patients in order to prevent blood clots.

I'm supposed to be moved to another room so I really cannot get comfortable. I have a family member with me and have been grateful for her help and support. With as bad as it already seems, the day would have been a whole lot worse without her here.

The transplant team is supposed to start their testing and evaluations this week. Supposedly they have to pick out the best candidates to receive new lungs. There's a lot involved, including your immune system, your age, your overall health both physically and mentally, and even the support team behind a patient. So, keep rallying the troops!